Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Carpet Cleaning Guru of 91302

Carpet Cleaning Guru of 91302
Cleaning up the homes of the 91302 and its surrounding cities.

Call Now (888)539-1122

Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week

We specialize in non toxic carpet cleaning. We use very high powered truck mounted cleaning unit that extract the billions of mites, dust, dirt and allergens that your average commercial vacuums leaves behind. 

Carpets and Mattress harbor a lot of dirt particles and just like vacuuming a clean bed sheet is just not enough.
Bed Sheets have microscopic holes in them that are big enough for the tiny mites and allergens to get through. This is why we also clean mattresses, Who really want to sleep on a dirty mattress or invest in being a new one ever couple of month. Our service allows you to have a clean bed with out hurting your pockets so bad.
So call now (888)539-1122 for your appointment and to hear about our limited time offers.